My Curation Project - A 24 Hour Solo Road Trip from Yucca Valley to San Diego

Hi everyone!

This is a shameless request for folks in EME6414 to check out my curation project. I chose to cover a 24 hr time period this spring when I had adventures through the high desert in Southern California. I thought I would curate something fun; a moment in time that had significance for me. Feedback is love! Let me know your thoughts. I'd love to hear about any similar adventures you've had as well!

The majority of my images are ones I took myself, though I did include one flickr image that was available in the copywrite free section of Storify. I'm not sure if Storify intentionally misspelled "copywrite" to align with the Storify / story "theme", but it kind of bugs me when people change words to fit their product.... Maybe it's just me:)....

Anyway, there are several links to national park sites, city/town sites, sites for specific places of business that I visited.

I really enjoyed curating this moment in time. I hope you enjoy reading about my trip as much as I enjoyed creating this project. I would love to hear your feedback, and suggestions for improvement!


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