
Hi guys,
Thought I'd share something I've learned on my Storify curation adventure. If you do decide to use Storify in the future, please know that you cannot attach multiple pictures from Instagram under one single hash tag. You have to tag each individual picture before you can find them in the Social Media search...

Overall, I have really enjoyed using this tool. It's intuitive and quite easy to use, as long as you're not spending three days trying to figure out why your Instagram posts aren't coming up when you search for them:). There isn't really a help page or frequently asked questions, so I really struggled through trial and error, even setting up a flicr account to link to my Instagram account.

I like the narration capabilities present in Storify. I think it's a really neat tool. I could envision this used in a workplace setting, especially in introducing new concepts or ideas... A narration, then link to resources or documents would be WONDERFUL in my work setting, where the "WIIFM - What's in it for me" or "Why is this important / how will this impact my work" is often forgotten.

Overall, I strongly recommend Storify. Really cool!


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