The final countdown....

Hey all,
Not sure if anyone else if "feeling the burn", but I am. This has been a super intense six weeks.... I go through ebbs and flows, one day feeling on top of everything I need to be on top of, to the next, feeling like I am sooooo far behind in all I need to do.

For me, one of the challenges I've found in this course is the volume of places participation needs to occur to truly engage with one another.  I'll post in one forum, post again in another forum, then get a little disheartened when I get no feedback or reply. There is quite a bit for us to do ourselves, week to week; the participation element can be a challenge, I know! I really do find it invaluable, though.... As you can probably tell, today is one of those days where I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.

I've had several classmates join my Edmodo group for Produsage (thanks guys!), but haven't yet received any feedback on the project. I'd really love to hear from you all. I value your thoughts and opinions, and as I plan to present my Produsage Prototype to serve as a replacement for some Bb functionality, I was hoping you would be able to provide some constructive feedback, allowing me to improve the Produsage project, based on the suggestions you make.

If you're interested in providing feedback, I am still looking for it:). It would make me smile:)

You can access my Produsage project either by going to, and request to Join Group Code: c8xgc2

If that's being finicky (which it has been this week), please go here to request to join, and I will approve your request ASAP. Request to Join Group.

Please feel free to provide feedback on the site itself, on this blog, on last week's blog, or in my Produsage submission in the Bb discussion group.

Thanks again in advance! I am looking forward to some constructive feedback:).


  1. What kind of Bb functions you want to replace by using Edmodo?

  2. Hi Morning Evening,
    Bb has a function that allows organizations / communities. Canvas will not. I have designed a prototype LMS for the Council of Informed Advisors organization that currently exists in Bb, but will not have a "home" in Canvas. Would love to hear your thoughts!

    1. Can you link Edmodo with Canvas? Otherwise, it is not convenient for students to log on to two platforms.

    2. Hi, sorry, should have clarified. This is for faculty/staff😊. A link would be able to be added to the Advisor Center tools within the Student Information System or within faculty/staff portal for easy accessibility. Great point!


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